As we announced some weeks ago, we are very happy for the reception of the Broccolin Project of this year. That’s the reason why we decided finish the course 2016-2017 with some news and surprises for you:
The first one was the healthy brunch we made at the last school we visited in Tomelloso (Castilla La Mancha) as a party for the end of the course.
The second one was the summary video with pictures of our visits.
Now, we want to show you an audiovisual piece we made to be closer to the small children, a song of Broccolin! There is a video clip where our pet Broccolin sings the goodness of the vegetable, with a rhythmic and fun song. Broccolin encourages the kids to make his friend.
Our mission:
We create this song as a tool to motivate the children of having a good eating habit, with a balanced diet. Also we want the families join us to the Broccoli Passion movement.
We are living in a world where the percentage of obesity in children is growing every year. In Sakata Seed Iberica we think we should be involved focusing in a change. We want to help to break this tendency.
For all these reasons, we made this video. We hope you enjoy it!