Hello broccoli lovers!
Today we are going to talk about an initiative of Association “5 al día” in which we collaborate and sponsor:The “Frutoteca”! What is it? Keep reading…
The itinerant Frutoteca is organized by the Association 5 day Spain and is a project aimed at the younger kids, which seeks to promote healthy living habits and the benefits of daily consumption of fruits and vegetables through interactive and sensory activities.
How they get this sensory aspect? Through an inflatable dome that viewers can enjoy interactive videos and photographs projected in 360 degrees and in 3D. In this way children take into the world of fruits and vegetables and will easily learn all the processes that they live, from seed to our tables.
The frutoteca is an inflatable dome portable, it is planned to tour different parts of the Spanish geography offering the public an attractive experience through the senses, made that it transported them to various places where the stages that live vegetables are represented:
In the field. In this initial phase, children learn the characteristics and properties of various fruits.
Agriculture: an illustrative way the public will learn the process of growth of a fruit, from planting through a seed until the fruit is ready for collection. At this time, you will meet the challenge of farmers and the loving care with which it must work to get good products.
From farm to table: using different images they will explain the different steps and processes that follows a product, since it is harvested in the field until it arrive to shops and supermarkets.
At the table: in this final phase, the children will learn the importance of eating 5 pieces of fruits and vegetables a day and the importance of the nutritional pyramid.
This activity is mainly aimed at a child audience, aged between 6 and 12 years, because they will be the consumers of the future and it is important that they know the origin of the different fruits and vegetables.
From Broccoli Passion support such projects since it is essential for us to foster to the children the importance of caring for the power for grow up healthy and strong.